维他命K wrote: (三)来段插曲如何? <BR> <BR> 总说自己很忙,没有时间写作业。:I <BR> 而事实上,也是如此。 <BR> 在这个礼拜五的下午,现在是17:13分,工作暂时告一段落,有点时间。可是大脑似乎还没有多余的空间,让我转换角色,去思考离开了大布镇,我去到了哪里? <BR> 前两天公司的内部刊物E-MAGAZINE让我写点什么,于是也拿了船底顶来说。今天发行了,效果还不错! <BR> 偶像说也可以贴在这里,我就贴吧,权当是一段小小的插曲。 <BR> <BR> Hiking <BR> <BR> What I’m going to share with you is my most recent hiking experience, which happened last weekend, Nov. 4th. My destination was a mountain called Chuan Di Ding (船底顶), a barren mountain with the most beautiful scenery in Guangdong province, located in the juncture of three cities ---- Ruyuan, Yingde and Qujiang. <BR> <BR> We 20 backpackers set out on Friday night at 8 o’clock, after 6-hour drive, we arrived at Dabu town of Ruyuan city. We set up the tent quickly and went to sleep, since four hours later we’re going to start our tough journey. <BR> <BR> The sun is setting as the light slowly fades as I recall my day. I woke up and got everything ready for the trip, the walking stick, climbing gloves, sleeping bag, hat, digital camera, water and food. The weather was really nice and we started off with the heavy backpacks. Mine was probably 10kg, but for some boys, their backpack reach to 28kg. <BR> <BR> With 2 eggs and a bowl of noodles as my breakfast, we started the hiking cutting through the hill slopes, mostly taking the unbeaten path. With the early burst of fall the grassland were in golden color and the smell of the pines was intoxicating. Breathless, more because of the beautiful grassland cradling in the arms of nature, than the climb, our first stop was the Canyon. <BR> <BR> Moving upwards one could see the peaks of the Chuan Di Ding but it’s still far away. We have to hike cross several mountains, up and down constantly. As we climbed up the last ridge and throw our backpacks in the grass, what we witnessed had taken all the fatigue away. At this proximity to nature, I assure you, everyone becomes a poet. We were all speechless and look around as if for the first time a child witnesses a rainbow. <BR> <BR> After soaking in the majesty and beauty of the mountains we got conscious of our little tummies crying for a morsel! We sat down and took a good rest. Silently we ate some bread and fruits and watched the patterns in the bluest sky with soft puffs of clouds, and the golden grass covered in the hills also forming mysterious patterns. <BR> <BR> I realized the mortality of my life, and the petty thoughts I get myself entangled in. How small am I! There is so much more in this world, on our planet. So much mystery, so much magic that we as mere mortals will never be able to gain superiority over. And I’m glad for that. <BR> <BR> The sky got clearer now; the peaks showed themselves off with a hint of arrogance. The sun warmed my tired body and the cool wind soothed my soul. It was time to move forward again. So, we stood up and took our heavy backpackers again. Till 10:30p.m, we got to our camp. From 6:30a.m to 10:30p.m, we’ve been hiking for 16 hours a day. <BR> <BR> I’ve been always thinking why I like hiking so much, probably because any new and unexplored place for me is a challenge. Besides, I can find the beautiful scenery that the others cannot, and there is the friendship between my outdoor friends that I value so much. But the most important thing is, experience is everything. We’re young, we can hike, we can go to anywhere we like, to know different places and different people. These are also the stories to tell our grandchildren, and inspire us to make our next trip. So I value the experience I received from my outdoor friends and I really enjoy it. <BR> <BR> At last, I’d like to share with you something I got from my hiking experience: Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. <BR> <BR> 杂志上放了这张照片。我忘不了的大峡谷! 嘿,敬爱的领导们,亲爱的同事们,可爱的小朋友们,大家深夜好。在这个月黑风高,鬼哭神嚎的美丽之夜,大家且洗耳恭听,打瞌睡的快吃几片VK,我将与大家分享我最近一次历险记~~~~~~话说上个周末,2006年11月4日(一个终生难忘的日子),我在睡梦中稀里糊涂便被抓上贼船,朦胧中,我仿佛听到,这条船将驶到一座叫“船底顶”的山(船到了那会不会孔是底朝顶翻船了,恐怖~~~~~)。那里荒凉贫瘠,位于乳源、英德、曲江三县交界处,三不管地带,给卖猪仔到那里,我何时才能逃出生天,神啊,救救我吧~~~~~~但据说那里有着广东省最美丽的风景,可以葬身此处,多少可以弥补点我精神和肉体的损失。 逐渐清醒后我了解到,同我一样被卖猪仔的一共有二十人,原来我们前一天晚上,即是星期五晚8点便被抓上船(天啊,现在都市人的警醒力太低了)。路况极差,经过6小时的折磨,我们到了乳源的大布镇。在这里,我们被扔进一些临时用烂布撑起的棚子里,饥寒交迫下,我又睡着了。4小时后,我被惊醒,原来我们要被押送到大山深处,艰苦的行程开始了~~~~~~~ 旭日冉冉升起,阳光轻轻掠过,前路漫漫,福兮,祸兮,我终究要去面对。似乎我们受到的待遇并不差,我们分到了一些食物和水,帽子用来遮阳,拐杖用来协助登山,手套用来阻挡荆棘利草,睡袋~~~~~(还要在山上过夜,晕)。幸运地,我还分到了一部数码相机,据说要记录这次拐卖过程,无聊。痛苦的是,我们都被迫做背夫,见我是女子,他们只让我背10kg,有些GG可惨了,竟然要背28kg,惨绝人寰啊~~~~~天气非常好,这使我们的心情不致于太坏。 吃饱了才有力气走远路同,早餐狂吃了两个鸡蛋和一大碗面。带着吃饱的满足我们开始穿越山谷,翻过一个又一个的山坡,大多数都是兽迹罕至的无人区。初秋的凉风缓缓袭来,映入眼帘的漫山遍野的金黄,那一片金黄的大草坡啊。而林木的芬芳,正沁人心脾。令人窒息,是爬坡的劳累还是沉醉于大自然美丽的怀抱中呢?我想是后者更多一点吧。原来被卖猪仔也是这么惬意~~~~~~我们第一个休息点在峡谷中。 随着海拔上升,我们似乎离目的地船底顶也越来越近了,但望着前面层层阻隔的群山,我知道我们的路还长着。我们必须穿过一座又一座的山峰,不断地爬上,再降落,再爬上,又降落……当我们爬上最后一段山脊时,我们将背包都扔到草地上,映入眼中的美景将疲累通通带走。这样地亲近自然,我保证,所有人都会变成诗人。我们都说不出话来,环顾四周,静心享受,那种感觉就像小孩子第一次发现彩虹时的激动,喜悦和兴奋…… 夜幕渐渐降临,大山的雄伟和美丽渐渐消隐,醉意渐醒,我们开始感觉到小肚子哭喊着要装点东西进去了。我们坐下好好地休息,静静地吃着面包和水果,湛蓝的天空,松软的流云,金黄的大草坡,形成一幅神秘的画卷,仍在不断冲击我们的视觉,谋杀我们的菲林。我们是被卖猪仔来到这里的吗?或许只是在磨难中享受美景或是在美景中接受考验吧。 想到生活中我总纠缠于一些鸡毛蒜皮的事,一些龌龊的思想总存在我脑中。我是多么渺小!还有这么多的东西在世界上,在我们这个行星上,它们是如此神秘,如此不可思议。作为凡人的我们,还能获得比这更多更优越吗?我很高兴我能享受这些东西。 天空渐渐明朗,山峰傲慢地炫耀着它们的挺拔。阳光温暖着我疲累的身躯,凉风轻抚着我的灵魂。我们又将继续前行。站起来,背起沉重的背包,向着更远的目标,进发。到了晚上10:30,我们终于到达露营地。从早上6:30到晚上10:30,我们已经连续走了16个小时。我想我们都顺利通过考验。 我一直在想我为什么这么喜欢远行,可能是因为任何新的未开发的地方对我来说都是个挑战吧。而且,我能发现其他人无福消受的美丽景致,而在户外中建立起的友谊对我来说更是弥足珍贵。但最重要的是,经验战胜一切。我们年轻,我们有激情和时间去远行,去我们喜欢的任何地方,去了解不同的地方,认识不同的人群。每一次出行的收获,将激励着我们下一次远足,这些,还将是留给我们的孙儿女们动人故事和宝贵财富。我珍惜每一次从户外活动和朋友中获得的经验,且我真的很喜欢它们。 最后,我把这次远行得到的经验分享给大家:坚持就是胜利! |